Is Amazon web  services down for Jio Users

Are Jio Users Experiencing An Amazon Web Services(AWS) Outage

Jio, a leading Indian telecommunications provider which offers mobile and broadband services, experienced huge connection difficulties on June 18, 2024.

There were widespread disruptions across the country. These disruptions significantly affected personal and professional activities.

There were widespread disruptions across the country that significantly affected personal and professional activities.

This blog delves into the specifics of the system failure, how it impacted Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kumo Space and what it means for Jio’s reputation as well as user experience.

What Actually Happened?

What Is Going Wrong There?

Well, let us understand the major issues!

Problems with Jio’s internet began at 9 AM and became worse by 11 AM. Many individuals had difficulties connecting to Wi-Fi networks and making calls. Various reports indicate that many people using Jio in India were affected.

Although Jio has not yet disclosed the reason behind this, they are aware of it and are trying hard to fix it quickly. This is not the first time such an issue has occurred within Jio, so Therefore they still have some challenges in keeping their service stable.

AWS problems?Impact  On Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Jio’s network failures impacted not only general internet usage but also particular services that require a stable and fast connection. Some of the worst casualties in this regard were Amazon Web Services (AWS) as well as Kumo Space, a virtual workspace platform.

Access to all the services offered by Amazon Web Services is through the AWS Management Console.

This includes Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which is for flexible virtual computing capacity, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), which offers secure and reliable data storage.

AWS Connectivity Issues

Amazon Web Services had started experiencing issues at 02:10 PM IST.

It has been noted that:

54% of users encountered errors,

while 32% experienced website downtime.

At least 15% of those affected complained about difficulties during signing in.

During Jio’s outage, many users reported being unable to reach AWS services. This could be very damaging if you are a business that depends on these cloud services for its operations. Delayed workflows, inaccessible applications and possibly some financial damage can result from disturbances in AWS connectivity​.

What Went Wrong With KUMOSPACE?

Kumo Space is an online platform where teams can work together just like they would in a physical office. It requires consistent internet connectivity.

Problems Faced:

Meeting Disruptions:

Teams couldn’t hold virtual meetings effectively.
Collaboration Issues: There was difficulty in collaborating on projects.

Connectivity problems : 

Caused major disruptions.
Productivity Loss: Users struggled to maintain productivity levels during outages.

Major Problem With Jio Users!

Interestingly most of these issues have been faced by customers who were on the Jio network. By 2:29 PM IST, June 18 2024. Downdetector reported several thousands of Jio users had network problems. JioFiber was a problem for 53% of respondents. Among mobile networks provided by Jio, 42% encountered problems.

How Were Users Responding?

Jio users quickly responded to the outage of services by expressing their anger on social media. Most of them took to Twitter to register their complaints. They said they could not use mobile data and home internet. Some users mentioned how the outage had impacted their ability to work from home. They couldn’t attend virtual meetings either. They also couldn’t carry out basic online tasks.
There were many tweets that represented the discontent of the users.
A user tweeted: “My Jio internet down since morning. I can’t work or browse. This is ridiculous.” Another said, “Jio has been giving me hell regarding serious connectivity issues. My entire team is unable to connect on Kumo Space. Our productivity is at risk here. When will this be rectified?”

What Should You Do If You’re A Jio User?

Here’s what you can do:

1. Open the application.

2. Select the Fiber tab.

3. Tap JioCare on the bottom bar.

4. Click on Run Diagnostics.

5. Tap on Internet Connectivity.

6. Click Run Diagnostics again.

7. If any issues are detected, click Fix Now.

If It Does Not Work, You Can Always Call The Jio Helpline: 1800 88 99999.

Customer Issues and Solutions

Many users often have various issues with their services. The problems run from connectivity to billing. Any time problems arise, it is the typical protocol for checking device settings. Ensure that every configuration is set correctly. If the same scenario continues, restart your device. This often solves minor software glitches.

Did it not work?
Don’t worry!

If rebooting does not work, restart the internet connection to the decoder. Establish whether there are any network issues in your locality at the official service provider website. Account subscribers should also confirm their account status and that bills are current.
For technical issues not covered by joint problems, consult the user support area. These are detailed guides that commonly appear on various official websites for steps. It could be used to help a user diagnose what their specific problem might be and point them in the right direction for correction.

What About Billing Issues?

In issues of billing, check your statements for unknown charges or discrepancies. If detected, contact the customer service department; they will help you solve misunderstandings as quickly as possible.

Important: Document every interaction with customer service. Make a note of the date and time you made your call. Also, if possible, take the name of the individual taking your call. That can be very important if your issue cannot be resolved. It gives you tangible evidence of your efforts in trying to get a resolution.

Step up if the problem is still not settled. You can try to request talking to higher management levels if possible. Management staff typically have much broader abilities to solve complex problems. If you are not satisfied with the settlement, there is an option of launching a complaint officially. You can complain to regulatory agencies, consumers, or protection groups.

Now, what’s this worry for Jio?

Steps to Avoid Future Outages

This Jio outage only goes to show how the internet has sort of grown on us. We are working online, learning online, communicating online, and so much more. It’s practically inconceivable to be without the internet for a week or two. What they finally do to the situation now is Jio has begun repairing the issue, but the speed at which that’s being performed is not good enough. Consumers are waiting; time is of the essence. Jio needs to return to normal and regain trust, especially for AWS and Kumo Space.

This is a wide slip that can be countered by Jio in several ways:

1. Upgrading infrastructure ensures the proper resolution of challenges, such as handling increased user traffic and technical hitches.

2. Use advanced tools to detect and solve problems on early detection.

3. Keeping users informed about issues They should also provide updates on when they will be resolved. 4. Deploy backup systems within their network. This. Assures that services keep running smoothly, even in cases of failure.


This Jio outage only goes to show how the internet has sort of grown on us. We are working online, learning online, communicating online, and so much more. It’s practically inconceivable to be without the internet for a week or two. What they finally do to the situation now is Jio has begun repairing the issue, but the speed at which that’s being performed is not good enough. Consumers are waiting; time is of the essence. Jio needs to return to normal and regain trust, especially for AWS and Kumo Space.