Shopify Vs Custom Website

Are you planning to build your own website with Shopify?

Are you concerned about making the right choice to develop a website for your business project?

If yes, this is the article that you will have to read to get the maximum benefits. If you really want to build a strong website, you might encounter these questions: Shopify vs Custom website

  • What Is Shopify?
  • Are Built-In Templates Good For Your Business Project Websites?
  • What Is A Custom Website?
  • Are Custom Websites Useful For Business Projects?
  • What Is Wordpress?
  • Is Wordpress Useful For Business Projects?
  • What Are The Major Differences Between Shopify And Custom Websites?
  • How To Decide The Right Option: Shopify Or Custom Website, For Your Business Project?

In this article , we will help you to answer all these questions. Our journey will start from learning about Shopify , Custom Websites and WordPress and we learn about pros and cons of all of these. Then we will be discussing the major differences between shopify and custom websites and also learn the right strategy to make the right decision.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a user-friendly e-commerce platform that allows users to build and manage online stores, sell products, and accept payments. Shopify offers tools for product listings, inventory management, and payment processing. You can use it to sell on social media, blogs, websites, and other marketplaces.. In general, in-built templates are provided by Shopify. These built templates help the client to choose one of the templates among all. This can be very beneficial for small businesses. Shopify

What type of platform is Shopify?

Is Shopify A Paid Platform Or Free Of Cost?

Shopify is a subscription based platform.It is a subscription-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, and plans range from $15–$299 per month, depending on the features. In addition to the monthly fee, there are also transaction fees and additional fees if you use a payment processor other than Shopify. 

Build Your Own Ecommerce Website In 3 Easy Step

Build Your Own Ecommerce Website In 3 Easy Step

Are built-in templates good for your business websites?

This is the question that we generally encounter, when we decide what to choose between built-in templates or custom websites. Here’s an analysis of the pros and cons of using built-in templates to help you decide if they suit your business needs.


  • Cost Effective: Built-in templates are cheaper as compared to those of self-built templates. Moreover, their development costs are also minimal.
  • Time-Efficient: These templates have pre-designed layouts and are faster than the custom websites.
  • Easy to use: Most templates are designed to be user-friendly, even for those without technical expertise. Many platforms with built-in templates offer drag-and-drop builders for easy customization.
  • Professional Designs: Many designs are designed by professionals for business purposes
  • Functionality: Templates often come with built-in features like contact forms, galleries, and e-commerce capabilities. Templates from reputable sources are often updated to fix bugs and improve security. The templates are quite user-friendly.

Advantages Of Using Shopify For Web Development

Advantages Of Using Shopify For Web Development


  • Limited Customization: Templates can be limiting in terms of layout and design flexibility. Customizing beyond the provided options can be difficult. That is why the scope of customization is limited.
  • Branding Limitations: The number of brands in these templates are limited.Templates might not fully support unique branding elements such as custom animations or interactive features.
  • Dependence on template providers: You are dependent on the template provider for updates and support. If the provider discontinues the template, you may face issues.
  • Performance: The templates might be saturated with some features which are of no use to you. This might have a negative impact on the performance of the site.
  • Cost-factor: Most of the templates and other features are paid. That is why they are not that cost effective, in the long term. They might seem to be cheaper in starting but in long duration they are not.
  • Other issues: In built-in templates, it is very difficult to make changes. Sometimes, we have to apply CSS in a forced manner. It is very difficult to make changes in the templates.

Disadvantages Of Built-In Templates

Disadvantages Of Built-In Templates

What is a Custom Website?

custom website is a website that is designed and developed from scratch, designed specifically to meet the unique needs and requirements of a business or individual. Unlike websites built using pre-designed templates, a custom website provides complete flexibility and control over the design, functionality, and user experience.

Are Custom Websites Paid?

Yes, developing a custom website typically involves costs, as it requires the expertise of professional web designers, developers, and possibly other specialists. Therefore, most of the custom websites are paid.

Are Custom Websites Suitable For Business Projects?

Yes, custom websites are highly suitable for business projects, particularly those with specific needs, unique branding, or complex functionalities. Moreover, we can easily understand their usage in the following section where we discuss the major pros and cons of a custom website.


Advantages Of Custom Website

Advantages Of Custom Website

  • Unique design: Custom websites are designed to match your brand’s unique identity, ensuring a distinctive look and feel. These designs are generally made to attract the clients.
  • Flexibility: Custom websites provide the flexibility to implement any functionality, which can be critical and useful also for complex or innovative projects.
  • SEO: Custom websites can be built with SEO in mind from the ground up, improving your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.
  • Security Measures: Custom websites can implement particular security protocols as per your business needs, protecting the sensitive data. Regulations: Custom websites can be designed to meet industry-specific regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, etc.


  • Higher Initial Cost: Custom websites generally have higher upfront costs compared to template-based solutions due to the particular design and development process.
  • Time Required: Developing a custom website takes more time, from initial planning and design to development, testing, and deployment.
  • Professional Help: Requires access to skilled web designers and developers, either in-house or through a reputable web development agency.
  • Complexity: Implementing updates or adding new features might require developer intervention and this is generally complex to do.

Is the arena of tools limited to Shopify and Custom Website? Well, we have many such tools available in the market. One of them is

WordPress. Let us learn about WordPress in detail:

What is WordPress?

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. It’s known for its ease of use, flexibility, and large ecosystem of plugins and themes.

Is WordPress useful for business projects?

Yes, it is highly useful in many of the business projects and tasks due its flexibility and easy usage. Now, let us analyze the major pros and cons of the wordpress:


  • Ease of use: WordPress has an intuitive interface that is easy to use, even for beginners. It doesn’t require extensive technical knowledge. It is quite user friendly.
  • Custom Development: For those with technical skills, WordPress offers extensive customization options through custom themes and plugins.
  • Large Community: WordPress has a vast community of developers, designers, and users who contribute to forums, create tutorials, and develop plugins and themes.
  • Cost Effective: The core WordPress software is free to use. Costs come from hosting, premium themes, and plugins.
  • SEO: WordPress is built with SEO in mind, offering clean code and various plugins like Yoast SEO to enhance your site’s search engine optimization.

WordPress Your Way

WordPress Your Way


  • Security: Being popular, WordPress sites can be targets for hackers. Using security plugins and best practices is essential.
  • Compatibility Issues: Plugins and themes from different developers can sometimes conflict, causing functionality issues.
  • Speed-Optimization: Without proper optimization, WordPress sites can become slow, especially with many plugins installed.
  • Regular Updates: Frequent updates improve security, add features, and enhance performance.

We have analyzed the pros and cons of all the three major topics. Now, let us see the difference between Shopify and a custom website.

What are the major differences between Shopify and Custom websites?  

Are you still confused about what to choose between Shopify and Custom Website? Well, there is nothing to worry about! We provide you with a detailed difference between the two. The major differences with respect to certain factors or parameters are:

  • Development Time:

Shopify: Setting up a project with Shopify is quick and efficient during the initial stages of development. However, as the project progresses, relying on built-in templates and features can become challenging. Modifying and customizing these templates can also prove to be difficult over time.

Custom Websites: While these websites may require more time to develop initially compared to Shopify, they are ideal for long-term objectives. In the development of custom websites, it is easier for the development team to make suitable edits and customizations.

  • Cost:

Shopify: Shopify charges a monthly subscription fee in addition to transaction fees. Many of its features are available only at an extra cost and can be quite expensive. The range of prices is generally higher than other platforms. 

Custom Websites: There is a higher initial cost, but no ongoing subscription fees. It is more like an investment designed to yield good results in the future.

  • Ease of use:

Shopify: Shopify is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for users without any technical background. No coding skills are required to set up and manage an online store. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites require technical knowledge for development and maintenance. This approach allows for greater customization but demands a higher level of expertise or investment in professional services.

  • Customization:

Shopify: Shopify is limited to the available themes and plugins, making it very difficult to perform editing and other custom changes. This can restrict flexibility and customization options for users who need specific features or designs. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites are highly customizable and can be adjusted to specific needs. They offer the flexibility to be designed according to your own preferences, ensuring that the site meets your exact requirements.

  • Hosting:

Shopify: Shopify’s features are included with its subscription plans, but these plans can be quite expensive. The costs can add up quickly, especially for advanced features and functionalities. This makes Shopify a potentially costly option for businesses looking for comprehensive solutions. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites require separate hosting, which comes with associated costs. This additional expense is necessary for hosting the website on a server and ensuring its availability to users

  • Maintenance:

Shopify: While Shopify does offer a maintenance system, editing, maintaining, and customizing content can still be time-consuming. The platform’s built-in features may not always provide the flexibility needed for extensive customization, potentially requiring additional time and effort from users.

 Custom Websites: With custom websites, the maintenance is typically handled by the development team. This allows for efficient management of updates, security patches, and any technical issues that may arise. This helps to save clients time.

  • Security:

Shopify: For security, Shopify manages SSL certificates and overall security measures, ensuring a secure environment for online transactions and customer data. 

Custom Websites:. Typically, this task is handled by the development team, who implement security measures and manage SSL certificates to protect the website and its data.

  • Support:

Shopify: Shopify Offers 24/7 Customer Support, But It Operates On A Ticket-Raising Mechanism, Which Can Be Time-Consuming For Issue Resolution.

Custom Websites: For Custom Websites, The Development Team Is Typically Readily Available To Provide Assistance As Needed. This Direct Access Ensures Timely And Suitable Help For Any Issues Or Inquiries That Arise.

  • Scalability:

Shopify: Shopify offers scalability through a wide range of plans and apps, allowing businesses to adjust their resources and functionalities as needed. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites are highly scalable, but their scalability depends on the initial setup and architecture. With proper planning and development, custom websites can accommodate growth and increase traffic over time.

  • SEO and marketing:

Shopify: Shopify provides built-in SEO tools and offers various apps dedicated to SEO and marketing, empowering businesses to optimize their online presence and enhance visibility to potential clients. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites require custom SEO and marketing integrations to effectively optimize their online presence and reach target audiences.Third-party integrations:

  • Third-party integrations:

Shopify: Shopify offers a wide range of plugins and integrations, providing businesses with the flexibility to enhance their online stores with additional features and functionalities according to their needs. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites often require custom integrations, which can be complex to develop and implement

  • Payment Gateways:

Shopify: Shopify provides integrated payment gateways with transaction fees, streamlining the process of accepting payments online for businesses.

 Custom Websites: Customizable to integrate any payment gateways and has minimal transaction fee as compared to Shopify.

  • Ownership:

Shopify: Shopify is hosted on Shopify’s servers, providing businesses with a reliable and secure hosting environment for their online stores.

Custom Websites: With custom websites, businesses have complete ownership and control over the server hosting their website. This allows for greater flexibility in managing server resources, implementing security measures, and customizing configurations to meet specific needs.

  • Updates and New Features:

Shopify: Shopify automatically updates its platform with new features and improvements, ensuring that businesses have access to the latest advancements without needing to manually install updates. 

Custom Websites: Custom websites require manual updates and feature additions, which are typically handled by the development team. This process involves implementing changes directly to the website’s codebase.

How to decide the right option: Shopify or custom website?

Are you not able to figure out what will be the best option for your business? Is it still confusing to make the decision? Well, don’t think too much! We are here to provide you with some final considerations that will surely help you to make the right decision.

  • Business Size and Budget:

Shopify can be initially cheaper as compared to custom websites. But their scope might be limited in case of customization. For larger business models, custom websites are generally preferred.

  • Time to market:

Shopify has a faster setup with pre-built templates and integrated tools. Custom Websites generally take longer time due to the need for design, development, and testing.

  • Technical Expertise:

To use Shopify, no coding is required. It is quite user-friendly. But for building custom websites, we need to hire a developer or a web development company. The variety of designs and editing tools increase in custom websites

  • Customization Needs:

Shopify provides customization through themes and apps. But when high customization is required in business, it is not a right option to choose. On the other hand, custom websites offer specific customization options.

  • Maintenance and Updates:

Shopify handles all updates and security patches. But custom websites require ongoing maintenance and updates, managed by you or your developer.

  • Ownership:

Shopify has limited control as it’s a hosted platform. Custom websites have full control over server, data, and customizations.

  • Scalability:

Scalable has various plans and apps but might hit limits for very high traffic. Custom websites can be designed to scale significantly but require proper infrastructure planning.

  • SEO and Marketing:

Shopify offers built-in SEO tools and marketing apps. Custom websites require custom development for SEO features, but offers more control.

  • Payment and Transactions:

Shopify has integrated payment gateways with transaction fees. Custom websites can integrate any payment gateway, potentially avoiding platform-specific fees.

  • Support:

Shopify has 24/7 support and a large user community. But in case of custom websites, support depends on your developer or third-party services.


Always-On 24/7 Customer Support

Always-On 24/7 Customer Support


Have you decided what to choose between Shopify or wordpress or Custom Website? Yes? Now, let us see how to choose the right web development company and what is the procedure after that:


  1. Carefully analyze the present companies which are prominent in the market, related to your choice.
  2. See the past experience of the company.
  3. Contact with the company via the communication channels provided on their site.
  4. Before making any contact, carefully read all the terms and conditions.
  5. A detailed NDA document must be signed between both the parties.
  6. Payment modes need to be defined in the contract.
  7. Ensure you get regular feedback from the company about your project.


In a nutshell, we studied about Shopify and Custom Websites in detail. We discussed in detail about their pros and cons. We also learnt about wordpress. Then, we delve into the realm of difference between Shopify and custom websites. At last , we analyzed various considerations that have to be kept in mind , when we want to make the decision. Shopify provides a lot of built-in templates. But their customization is quite difficult. This is generally easy to do while creating custom websites. Moreover, spending on custom websites is like an investment for your future. In this way, we can easily make the decision to choose between Shopify and Custom Websites.